Chapter 1 The Writing Process

■ Prewriting
-Understand Your Assignment
-Choose a Subject Area, and Focus on a Topic
  1. Topic: specific part of a subject on which a writer focuses
  2. Go from 'general' to 'specific'
-Get Ideas and Collect Information
  1. Ask questions about your topic
  2. Brainstorm
  3. Cluster
  4. Research
  5. Think creatively
-Establish Your Thesis
  1. Thesis: main idea, often expressed in one or two sentences called 'thesis statement'
  2. Thesis statement : the most important point, more general than supporting ideas and facts, and focused enough
  3. How to write a thesis statement: "What I want to say is....", not too general nor too specific, clear stance on an issue
-Know Your Audience
-Determine Your Method of Development
  1. Illustration
  2. Narration
  3. Description
  4. Process analysis
  5. Definition
  6. Division and Classification
  7. Comparison and Contrast
  8. Cause and Effect
  9. Argument
-Map Your Organization
  1. Make a scratch outline
  2. Chronological, Spatial, Least familiar to most familiar, Easiest to most difficult to comprehend, Easiest to most difficult to accept, According to similarities or differences

'취미' 카테고리의 다른 글

임경림, "문"  (0) 2011.06.22
서울여행  (0) 2011.05.01
Robert Frost "The Road Not Taken"  (0) 2011.04.15
시라이시 가즈후미 "다른 누구도 아닌 너에게"  (0) 2011.03.28
김행숙 "물의 친교"  (0) 2011.03.16

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